Of those who survive each year, approximately 70,000 to 90,000 endure lifelong debilitating loss of function.
For Swisher, the 2006 season was filled with dramatic gains and debilitating losses.
The Nets fell to an inglorious 21-33 and suffered their second debilitating loss at the Meadowlands in four nights.
But it appears they have avoided a third, perhaps even more debilitating loss, a loss of confidence.
A mass attack on a horse can cause a debilitating loss of blood.
In October 2005 Irene would once again rise to the occasion and help in presenting Australia with a debilitating loss.
What it does produce is boredom, pneumonia and a debilitating loss of blood from the attacks of the local dogs.
Rather, the priority was efficiency, they say, along with elimination of costly subsidies and debilitating losses.
Certainly not the Palestinians, who have incurred debilitating losses in the last two weeks.
After three debilitating losses in Texas, the Nets won for the first time in eight games on the road Sunday against the Hornets, 102-92.