And, perhaps most significantly, debt was down to $630 million and continues to fall.
Its debt of about $18 billion, however, will continue to be a drag on recovery.
The national debt has surpassed $14 trillion, and under current law, will continue to grow in the coming years.
This means that even with no new borrowing, the total debt continues to grow.
In just the last year, the national debt has continued to increase $1.69 billion per day on average.
Under President Bush, the debt continued to increase again, by one-third, in just four years.
Political instability, a chronic lack of investment money, and enormous foreign debt continue to be serious problems.
Unfortunately, as our federal debt continues to grow, there are those who believe that the only way to solve the problem is through tax increases.
The post-war period was not easy as well and the debt of the town continued to increase.
But the hospital's debt continued to grow, in part because the programs drew many poor patients.