His debt now exceeds $145,000, including late charges, far greater than the amount of water the building might have used.
Its debts exceed $30 billion and the city is paying over $5 million a day in interest alone.
Although the debt once exceeded $3 million, associates say it is now below $500,000.
Taken together, this present and future debt may exceed $70 trillion.
The company's debt still exceeds $3 billion, the rating agency said.
And this year, for the first time, the accumulated national debt will exceed the size of the economy.
By the time of his death, the national debt exceeded $35 million, fifteen times the annual budget.
However, such debt or deficit must not exceed the agreed limits.
He spent the 1850s in a state of bankruptcy with debts exceeding 20,000.
The debt must exceed £750 for this procedure to be invoked.