Since the beginning of the year, debt fell by $793 million, or 29 percent.
The last significant drop was September 1980, when debt fell by $135 million.
This also suggests that the national debt may increase rather than fall as a result of the new system.
The company's debt has fallen to 52 percent of capital, from 83 percent in 1986.
Mazda's debt fell by $56.4 million, to slightly more than $6 billion.
The debt falls behind, and all of a sudden people are horrified.
The country's external debt should fall to $111.9 billion by the end of 1989, the bank predicted.
The association's debt will fall most heavily on insurance companies under the plan, which would tax and assess them for $1.4 billion.
During his first administration the national debt fell from $2.5 billion to $2.2 billion.
The national debt is falling, freeing capital for investment in private industry.