That's still a staggering debt increase, and only a smidgen less than under Labour's plans.
As the average maturity declines, the risk of paying higher interest rates to redeem the older debt increases.
And this year, the House did not resist the opportunity to reject the debt increase, before approving it on March 15th.
In Greece, high public sector wage and pension commitments were connected to the debt increase.
But as interest rates are pushed higher, economic growth slows and the cost of Brazil's domestic debt increases.
The debt increase will likely continue on its upward surge, while the gross national product may not increase at all for some time.
This constitutes the biggest one-year debt increase in history.
The rate of debt increase was estimated to be 10 billion a year.
"With debt increases of this magnitude, the rate freeze is simply an illusion," he said.
As the United States runs large deficits year after year, the national debt increases.