The debt of the nation led to an increase in banknotes among the new private banks, and as a result, inflation increased greatly.
The bad debts have also led people to wonder aloud whether South Korea could become the center of a new foreign debt crisis.
At the time, crushing foreign debts had led most poor countries to cut back on environmental protection.
Increasing debt and the loss of his parliamentary seat eventually led him to commit suicide.
On 14 March 2013, Whaleback announced that high debt had led the mountain to close after the 2012-2013 season.
The club's financial debts, however, led to an eventual demotion nonetheless.
In the long run, lower deficits and debt would have led to relatively higher growth estimates.
This debt led to the closure of all the mining operations in Aldridge.
These events, and a large foreign debt, led to an external crisis that took almost a decade to resolve.
The growing foreign debt led to one of the most radical turnarounds in modern financial history.