It can now buy the debt of countries in distress and fund bank rescues.
The leaders will probably duck a proposal to use gold held by the fund to relieve the debt of desperately poor countries.
No Government funds should be needed to prop up the commercial banks or to write down the debts of less-developed countries, they said.
His plan to cut the debt of third-world countries has generally worked.
Do you think it would be a good idea for the United States to write off debts of poor countries?
They obtained these reserves by purchasing the debt of rich countries.
Secondly, we need to provide new answers to the problem of the debts of poor countries.
The debt of countries affected by the tsunami clearly needs an urgent response.
In practice, the market interest rate tends to be different for debts of different countries.
"To reduce credit risk, the best bet is sovereign debt of developed countries," she said.