The United States is going to send 17 financial experts to Liberia with authority to manage that country's debt-ridden economy, State Department officials said today.
But there is disagreement over whether they are doing it for their health or because of the stagnant, debt-ridden economy.
Then, Italy's bloated, debt-ridden economy was the laughingstock of Europe.
But the democratic opposition is fractious and offers no coherent remedies for an inefficient, debt-ridden economy.
The European Union's announcement came on a day that leaders devoted largely to Kosovo and possible financial support for the debt-ridden Russian economy.
That three-step is especially tricky now, because Mr. Erdogan must attend first to a debt-ridden economy in its worst recession in decades.
But they allowed basic problems such as the debt-ridden economy to worsen with deleterious consequences.
International The U.S. is going to send 17 financial experts to Liberia with authority to manage that country's debt-ridden economy.
The new groupings bring together widely disparate and overwhelmingly debt-ridden economies.
The price increases lie at the heart of the Government's plans to harness a debt-ridden economy.