"Then judges will look at expenses in each metropolitan area" to determine if a debtor can pay some credit card bills.
It would be a perverse result to extinguish debt simply because a debtor has not paid.
A bankruptcy petition is usually presented by a creditor on the grounds that the debtor cannot pay their debts.
The debtor, not wanting to swear, paid a second time.
Some other debtor, it seemed, had already paid Carl Sigmar, in coin of a different sort!
Either the rest of the world suffers the losses that creditors suffer when debtors do not pay their notes.
The debtor usually does not pay immediately, prompting the collector to try to fashion a payment plan.
Paradoxically, the more the debtors paid, the more they owed.
"Default" essentially means a debtor has not paid a debt which he or she is required to have paid.
When difficulty arises in paying debts, the path of least resistance is to provide more credit - to enable debtors to pay.