It is important to note that there are certain debts for which the debtor will receive no forgiveness.
If the interest payments on loans were up to date, the debtors received a deduction from the capital sum owed of two years' interest at twelve percent.
The debtor received legal advice from a firm of solicitors who rendered their bill on 31 July 1991.
A transfer of a debtor's property made with intent to defraud or for which the debtor receives less than the transferred property's value.
The debtor will then receive a letter of discharge.
Moreover, the article states that a debtor may receive $10,000 if a house is sold in bankruptcy and retain $5,000 in cash.
For example, in a Chapter 7 case only an individual debtor (not a corporation, partnership, etc.) can receive a discharge.
Individual debtors may receive a discharge of their debts.
- and this time limit must only begin when the debtor has actually received the notification.
There were several state-wide organizations where debtors would receive legal and group support in exchange for a fee.