They successfully hit many of rock's sweet spots on this debut LP.
Although not technically an album, it is often seen as their debut LP.
Following this the band took some time off to regroup and in 2012 began working on the debut LP.
They were undergoing production of their debut original LP, scheduled to release in early 2012.
The band's debut LP came out in 2008 and the band toured for several years following its release.
He was still wearing an eye patch on the cover of this, his debut LP, released five months later.
While reviews for the debut LP were favorable, the group itself was in disarray at the end of 1969.
The band plans to release a debut LP in the spring of 2012.
The group's debut LP, released late last year, was fraught with difficulties.
It was also the title track of his 1988 debut LP, which eventually went gold.