His mother died from breast cancer in 1939 when Styron was still a boy, following a decade-long battle.
The city of Prague has waged a decade-long legal battle over the work which intensified in early 2010.
The university has been involved in a decade-long battle with families of those who donated bodies.
After a decade-long legal battle, the city's form of government shifted to a mayor-council format.
He died on May 9, 2009, after a decade-long battle with cancer.
In the last two years, Gerulaitis had seemed to emerge a victor from his decade-long battle with substance abuse.
Her death at age 73 was preceded by a decade-long battle with cancer.
With that, he declared his decade-long legal battle over, saying, "The jury put this case to rest."
A judge halted the sale, and the two sides entered a bitter, decade-long legal battle.
The family of Mark Bavis, a hockey scout who died that day, decided to settle after their decade-long battle to give him a voice.