Lord Gordon didn't think the prince was quite ready yet for decadent pleasures he'd been introducing other members of the peerage to.
However, when the mood strikes me -and it happens often enough - then I seek pure, unrestrained decadent pleasure.
Disappointing all around, since I definitely know better and because being a slug doesn't give me the same decadent pleasure as it used to.
Or Asian and Arab eyeballs - no, let's say "Oriental" to get the full effect - sheathed in mystery, promising decadent pleasures, perhaps hatching devious plots.
The Council of Trent had a point: Liturgical music becomes a less decadent pleasure when you can understand the words.
Beautiful, young, and fun-loving, Maia shows promise of going far, and finds some professional satisfaction in providing Sencho's decadent pleasures.
But Kush's most decadent pleasure is the hookah.
Shanghai Bizarre involves the viewer in world of decadent pleasures, driven by a society of dominant females.
Still others suspect that poetry is not for children at all - that it's an acquired, sophisticated, even decadent adult pleasure, and probably an affected one at that, like snails.