Their aim was the reform of the decadent society of their day, beginning with the clergy and religious.
Transplanted from an old and decadent society, the Brotherhood found new vitality there.
Or, in an old, almost decadent society like this, poison.
Humans live in a cramped, hostile, and decadent society, controlled by a religious oligarchy based on the knowledge of "Truth."
The problem is always how to live in a decadent society.
He is in fact a didactic writer whose works seek to correct his decadent society.
Night is equated with a state of nature, day with a decadent society.
He could work within their decadent society, use their precious laws and Constitution to protect himself.
Not a decadent society but one which had flowered in its own fashion, unchecked by the influence of older worlds.
The sooner their decadent society fell in a heap, the better!