With a state panel about to complete a plan to lower electricity rates on Long Island, all sides in the decades-long debate appear to be staking out positions, floating trial balloons and maneuvering for advantage.
Eakins's relationship with Mary Adeline Williams has been the subject of a decades-long debate among art historians.
Indeed, there has been a decades-long debate over whether consumers are served or shortchanged by the rules governing bumpers.
Has the divisive, decades-long debate over affirmative action really been defused by a clever policy gimmick?
Whatever the reasons for its success, the passing of Prop. 8 reignited a decades-long debate on the nature of marriage.
To many of those who have been following the decades-long debate over the future of Willets Point, all this talk represents a kind of kabuki theater.
After a decades-long debate, English and Papiamentu were made official languages alongside Dutch in early March 2007.
The controversy, like his refusal to rally with any particular cultural movement of the interwar, has touched the critical reception of his work, and has introduced a decades-long debate about its contextual value.
They are now increasingly "confident that the decades-long debate is over" a report says.
Some criticism of the Stryker continues a decades-long ongoing debate concerning whether tracked or wheeled vehicles are more effective.