Redevelopment of the decayed adjacent industrial areas has been an ongoing controversial topic.
If damage is extensive, or if siding is badly warped, decayed areas should be cut out and replaced.
Use an awl or screwdriver to probe into decayed areas and determine the extent of the damage.
The growth around decayed areas of heartwood creates structural weaknesses in the tree.
Rot had invaded many spots, and digging the punk from the decayed areas produced more than adequate hand and footholds.
An underclass made up in considerable part of blacks lives in decayed areas of America's inner cities.
Next, a drill, air abrasion instrument, or laser will be used to remove the decayed area.
The decayed or weakened area is removed and repaired.
The decayed wood shows black lines in the lightly coloured decayed areas; these are known as pseudosclerotic layers or demarcation lines.
Prior to its designation as a cultural district, the Wholesale District was one of Downtown Indianapolis's most decayed and blighted areas.