The mature trees and dead and decaying ancient trees provide particularly good habitats for beetles.
The tarn, the decaying trees, the moss and the oppressive atmosphere around the House of Usher are given their own personality and will.
Finally, even the branches of the decaying trees reached up into the air and joined the network, their ebony strands mixing with the amber roots.
For example, arborists are frequently called upon to analyze the danger posed to people or property by a damaged or decaying tree.
English Nature's conservation efforts continue in an effort to create more suitable trees, including by erecting more decaying trees, and artificially aging some others.
The air all around the decaying tree seemed to be moving.
Ivory-billeds are known to prefer thick hardwood swamps and pine forests, with large amounts of dead and decaying trees.
The nest cavity is usually a natural hole in a decaying tree, sometimes an old woodpecker nest.
These beetles are usually found under bark of dying or felled trees and the larvae live in dead or decaying trees.
The vole then disperses the spores of the truffle, inoculating decaying trees with this valued foodstuff.