While putting together clues, they find out that John's family was killed in a fire, and that he could be taking on the identity of his deceased cousin.
Her life is thrown into turmoil when she inherits a toddler, Elizabeth (twins Kristina and Michelle Kennedy), from a deceased cousin whom she hadn't seen since 1954.
One medium apparently made contact with a deceased cousin of Gardner's, an event which impressed him greatly.
He still looked too much like his thankfully deceased cousin, Gul Skrain Dukat.
His first spirit photograph was a self-portrait which developed to apparently show his deceased cousin.
A young child is taken into a parlor on a winter day to view her deceased cousin Arthur who is laid out in a coffin resembling a "little frosted cake".
It is named after Giuseppe Di Blasi, a deceased cousin of one of the discoverers.
He writes a weekly eulogy to a deceased cousin: RIP 914 SUPE.
The song's lyrics remember Ian's deceased cousin Erik Mounsey who was killed in a friendly fire incident above Iraq in 1994.
He imagined himself carrying on a conversation, an argument, really, with his deceased cousin.