It has not yet been revealed whether any of the other deceased founders had received death threats.
And for years, Kim Il Sung, North Korea's deceased founder, and more recently his son and successor, Kim Jong Il, have politely but steadfastly declined.
He didn't often raise his voice, it wasn't the style of the Bureau, but that kind of reference directed toward the deceased founder brought him close to a shout.
The most prominent figures in that history are the prison's deceased founder, Dr. Milkman, and his late daughter, Katherine, a disturbed genius who at the time of her death was developing a device for time travel based on horticulture.
Josiah Quincy III, The history of the Boston Athenaeum, with biographical notices of its deceased founders.
In a 1948 interview, Ross noted that Franklin only knew of living royalty on coins, and presumably would feel differently about a republic honoring a deceased founder.
The organization takes its name from the deceased founder of Sipah-e-Sahaba, Haq Nawaz Jhangvi, who was killed in a retaliatory bomb attack by Shia militants on 23 February 1990.
Here you'll find a collection of (questionably authentic) traditional huts painting a picture of the deceased founder of the country as a man of humble origins.
R.J. Reynolds, Jr., son of the deceased founder, was so angry that he sold a block of his company stock, and public reaction was negative to the extent that the directors quickly returned to the original design.
"I think the owners need to bring in someone young, energetic and principled to control the damage," said Edward S. Elliman, a 65-year-old son of Douglas Elliman, the deceased founder of the company.