A greedy and deceitful man who lost all his money and inherited properties into gamble.
He is not a devious or deceitful man, and he has no ambition to be an actor.
As a result, many people considered Liu Bang a deceitful man.
But he didn't love me, you see, and it isn't so easy these days for deceitful old men to toy with young women's emotions.
And he was not a deceitful man.
Perhaps better than most at spotting deceitful men, but that was due to continuous exposure, not intrinsic characteristics.
In several of the episodes, there is a motif of women evening the score with deceitful men.
All these are servants to deceitful men.
He was a violent and deceitful man, and appeared possessed of very few skills that were of any use.
The lying witness is a deceitful man, who mocks at justice.