Happily, the week's TV line-up provides several decent alternatives to getting out of the house and actually doing something.
And if commercial nonfat or low-fat mayonnaise dressing is not available, a decent alternative can be made at home.
If there is a decent alternative in places though, why would we ever need to be!
But until we offer a decent alternative these people aren't going to go anywhere.
It's a decent alternative to the fast food that pervades the rest of the mall.
I fight here today because there is no decent alternative, not in a land like ours, which is racked by the pressures of decay.
Now, with surprising belatedness, she had thought of a decent alternative.
In fact, when a 24-year-old woman is missing, it's the only decent alternative.
Unfortunately I have yet to see a decent alternative that matches or beats the Air.
Foolish tears are coursing down my face, to be sure; there is no decent alternative.