Kansas City also gets minor-league lefty Ryan Verdugo, a possibly decent prospect who is going on 25.
There are loads of good young people around (we also find plenty through Job Centres) but you must be prepared to interview five duff candidates before finding a decent prospect.
The Palestinians need to have the freedom to move about and to have a decent prospect of providing for their families; the Israelis need to feel safe.
Any worker with decent prospects owned at least one Forever or Phoenix, the dominant Shanghai brands, forged from industrial steel and weighing nearly as much as some riders.
The Cardinals received Rich Batchelor, a decent prospect who was 1-1 with six saves and a 2.67 earned run average at Class AAA Columbus.
The kid was a decent prospect.
Holland have some decent prospects but need to look at their over-physical tactics that required relentless sanctions from Webb, who handled a thankless task professionally.
Dr. Miller said that some chronically ill patients who suddenly became very sick nonetheless had decent prospects for surviving a transplant.
One general manager called him a decent prospect who may not be an impact player.
And she wasn't about to let the first decent prospect in all of the Northeast Kingdom escape so easily, even if he was a little too serious for her tastes.