Whatever the issue, we are going to deal with facts and show a decent regard for other points of view.
The pace has been slowed in part by bad weather and a decent regard for the safety of NATO pilots.
The Senate and the nation should not let relief at being rid of an unworthy legislator override a decent regard for the facts.
The industry has little incentive to improve conditions on its own, except a decent regard for human rights.
For him, as he said earlier in the context of abortion, civility is "a decent regard for the opinions of those who disagree."
Our convention must reflect not only our strong pro-life convictions, but a decent regard for the opinions of those who disagree.
They did agree, as Americans always have when it mattered most, guided by the public interest and a decent regard for one another.
The right answer is yes: if limited to cases of demonstrated need, such testing can be conducted with decent regard for privacy.
In a house that is made with a decent regard for a person's sensibilities.
How about a decent regard for the privacy of my dwelling?