This did not go down well with the affected clubs, which did not want to recognize the K-League's decentralization policy.
While the government has a decentralization policy, little actual decentralization has happened.
Industrial deconcentration is a conscious goal in a comprehensive decentralization policy: to deconcentrate population without excessive commuting, jobs need to be created outside the cities.
However, due to K-League's decentralization policy, these three clubs were forced to move to other cities in 1996, changing their name in the process.
But the club was forced to move in 1996, as part of the K-League's decentralization policy.
All of these branches were created in early 21st century with a new decentralization policy.
This Derby was put to an end in 1996, due to K-League's decentralization policy which relocated the 3 clubs.
Under a decentralization policy that he inherited when he became chief executive last year, managers were given more responsibility for developing products, he said.
As a result of the government's decentralization policy, the company was restructured in 1983 into separate production and distribution entities.
Moreover, as a result of the decentralization policy of the government, the budget allocated to local government authorities and regions has increased rapidly.