This decentralized approach was sold as a way to create a "virtual" library that would benefit far more people.
It takes a decentralized approach in order to manage content from various resources.
During Hamengkubuwono IX's reign the office of the Sultan adopted a more democratic and decentralized approach.
In contrast, the Jini-HAVI alliance is a radical decentralized approach to computing in which control is spread throughout a network with no central point.
Digital technology has led to a new, decentralized approach to making movies: desktop filmmaking.
This decentralized approach is needed due to the diversity of social, religious, cultural and political contexts in which rights violations occur.
Not better or worse but different, and that is a more decentralized approach where we believe in delegating authority and responsibility but, by God, holding people accountable.
According to Frank Muehleman, senior vice president of Dell's worldwide division, the company uses a decentralized approach with its international sites.
This decentralized approach has the advantage that it has promoted a strategic European dimension in the context of the activities of companies at local, regional, and national level.
Ketchum hews to a more decentralized approach, allowing its agencies to pursue their own strategies and clients.