The Kurds, who have had broad autonomy in the north since 1991, have been the most vocal champions of a decentralized government.
At the same time, Lacoste proposed a new administrative structure that would give Algeria a degree of autonomy and a decentralized government.
"By far the most likely outcome is going to be a decentralized government where a good deal of power rests with tribal, ethnic and regional groups."
Perhaps the most tragic casualty in the process has been the framers' original commitment to limited and decentralized government, which has all but disappeared.
Instead, what Afghanistan needs is a loosening of centralized power and help in envisioning and creating a decentralized government with a strong national constitution.
Such a system would preserve decentralized government and give the boroughs more budget and land-use powers, he said.
To address this political barrier, the dynasty formed a decentralized government in which the empire was broken down into sections.
Clearly, some form of decentralized government or federalism was essential to satisfy the needs of the Mexican provinces.
The biggest obstacle to beating the disease, international flu experts say, is the country's decentralized government.
He called for a decentralized government in which Kosovar Serbs would have "a high degree of control" over their affairs.