Without their top big man and in a hostile arena that has not been kind to them, the Knicks were decided underdogs.
They were decided underdogs against Ohio and the national media did not give them much of a chance to compete, let alone win the game.
Four of the statewide candidates are Long Island residents, but all are decided underdogs.
Jackson had said before the series that the Pacers were decided underdogs.
After a strong grassroots campaign, the ticket entered the primary on June 17, 1969 as decided underdogs.
That said, the Giants are still decided underdogs.
Both are decided underdogs, but they do have quick strike ability on their side.
Boston will most likely be decided underdogs in the best-of-seven, too.
Against the Patriots next Sunday, the Colts will undoubtedly be decided underdogs again.
Just as they were in the two most recent Ryder Cups, the Europeans are decided underdogs.