His decidedly dark sense of humor has never been more in focus.
It was decidedly darker and I had yet found no possible place to lie up for the night.
Despite their decidedly dark view of where we stand, in terms of eating well, both books give reason for hope.
His dreams had been decidedly dark and unpleasant, where they were not lewd as well.
The look of horror on Elaine's face matched her thoughts, which had turned decidedly dark- and frightened.
He went to work yesterday wearing a decidedly darker hairdo, and the change was striking.
This misting of America, however, is being viewed with decidedly dark suspicions by consumer organizations.
I'm sensing a theme for Slughorn, one that gets decidedly darker, when his secret comes out.
Murch took a decidedly darker take on Baum's source material than the 1939 adaptation, which he knew starting out would be a gamble.
Their observations have taken on a decidedly darker coloration than they had in "Talking It Over."