An enthusiastic representative of the Reform movement, for religious as well as scientific reasons, he was decidedly opposed to any attempts at reconciliation between Reform and Orthodoxy.
Although I advocate the express small-bore with the immense advantage of low trajectory, I am decidedly opposed to the hollow expanding bullet for heavy, thick-skinned game.
The opinions of M. Peyron, the Swedish Minister at Hamburg, were decidedly opposed to the war in which his sovereign was engaged with France.
The Democrats have delayed action on the issue by taking more than 40 hours of intense, often emotional testimony at the public hearings, which have been decidedly opposed to the death penalty.
Nonetheless, he was decidedly opposed to the practices of the Gracchi (whose sister Sempronia was his wife).
Yet the natives believed that these same cowgirls, trash as they were, had every right to keep "the government" off their land: prairie folk are decidedly opposed to federal interference.
Another theological question that he took up was that of granting the cup to the laity; to this he was decidedly opposed.
About 285 clergymen responded, most of them in favor of the views contained in the pamphlet, but 22 most decidedly opposed.
It was remarkable; but, the taste of Saint Antoine seemed to be decidedly opposed to a rose on the head-dress of Madame Defarge.
As minister for foreign affairs in 1853 Garašanin was decidedly opposed to Serbia joining Russia in war against Ottoman Turkey and the western powers.