It was mixed in the decidedly warmer month of June in Reykjavík, Iceland by Birgir Jon Birgisson.
The wide distribution of this genus has resulted in a wide variety of temperature variation from species to species, some requiring cool to cold conditions to grow and bloom reliably, while others need decidedly warmer temperatures to achieve the same.
The plain gray wool, fine and well cut yet hardly elaborate, would pass without comment almost anywhere, but it was decidedly warmer.
The 2nd Battalion had a decidedly warmer deployment when it arrived in Belize in Central America for a five-month deployment.
These were not restricted to Antarctic regions; on the contrary, subantarctic regions harboured high diversity, and at least one giant penguin occurred in a region not quite 2,000 km south of the equator 35 mya, in a climate decidedly warmer than today.
It was decidedly warmer than when they had arrived, and Uhura opened her parka, allowing the breeze to cool her.
Exactly a year after the day they met, on a decidedly warmer trip to the Bahamas, he proposed.
The climate is becoming decidedly warmer.
Service: Professional and distant, unless you are known, in which case it is decidedly warmer.
The total number of children was reduced to 300, and the agency's name was changed to the decidedly warmer and fuzzier Children's Village.