Whilst these decision aids have been successfully used in certain instances, they are not in regular use in the majority of organisations.
Patient participation increasingly relies on the use of decision aids in assisting the patients in choosing the best treatment option.
Recent research has shown that the use of decision aids may increase patients' trust in physicians, thereby facilitating the shared decision-making process.
Shared decision making is also closely associated with the use of decision support interventions, also known as decision aids.
Research is emerging on the usefulness of decision aids for Lynch syndrome genetic testing.
You'll lose most of your advanced decision aids as well as some resolution on your targeting packages, but that's about it.
Subjects were not allowed to use decision aids or other external information.
This makes the control limits very important decision aids.
Are cancer-related decision aids effective?
A multilingual comprehensive collection of decision aids is at www.Med-Decs.org.