Those decisions had dismissed Finch's original appeal and his later application for special leave to appeal.
The decision also dismissed a countersuit filed by Chicago that sought to halt construction of the shopping center.
The decision dismissed the blood bank association's argument that it rejected the tougher screening because evidence of its effectiveness was inconclusive.
The 7-to-0 decision dismissed the case of Ashley Harris, a Brooklyn girl, and a similar case filed by another child against Putnam County.
That decision dismissed federal antitrust claims brought by direct and indirect purchasers of the drug K-Dur, a blood pressure medication.
Campaign aides say that the decision to dismiss Mr. Riney, whom Mr. Rollins had hired, was a major factor in the consultant's decision to step down.
The decision found DOMA section 3 unconstitutional and dismissed BLAG's objections to the joint filing:
Last week, the court released Justice Carol H. Arber's decision to deny a motion, filed by Mr. Gagosian and his gallery, to have the suit dismissed.
The 17-page decision dismissed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the law brought by Henry Dittmer, a pine barrens landowner, on behalf of himself and 167 other owners.
The 7-to-2 decision effectively dismissed the notion that creationism is a scientifically supportable alternative to Darwinian theory.