The decision to produce the play as a big-budget, large-cast spectacle guaranteed the production a split personality.
That contract could fail by a trick, as it did in the replay, and East's decision to double guaranteed a plus score.
The decision alone, which rejected one widely used standard as overly broad, almost certainly guaranteed that the peak of federal wetlands protection had passed.
The decision virtually guarantees that the Twins will not be eliminated after the coming season in the next contraction attempt.
However, the labor board's decision to seek an injunction doesn't guarantee that its effort will be successful.
The decision guaranteed a fresh round of turmoil in the saga of West Valley.
That decision guarantees the captain a detailed preliminary hearing, comparable to one by a civilian grand jury.
His decision does not guarantee that he will leave the Cubs, who own exclusive negotiating rights with him through Nov. 11.
And the decision does not guarantee that a full-power license will be greatly delayed.
Mr. Bush's decision guarantees a new struggle over the details of the rules and their interpretation.