Apparently the answer is often "yes," as a decision just last week illustrated.
One decision issued last year illustrates how court interpretations of tax law are sometimes inconsistent.
The decisions also illustrate how protective the judiciary branch can be of its status in a divided government.
The Laotian decision illustrates the political problems that are tied to the annual drug-certification process.
The decision illustrated the growing pressure on funds from elected officials to invest in their own states.
The two decisions today illustrated the Court's close division and continuing struggle over the habeas corpus issue.
The decision, criticized by national officials, illustrates the difficulty of outlawing the separatist movement.
The decision also illustrated that what constitutes a "hearing" can depend on the context.
And the 1975 decision proscribing seven "dirty words" illustrates nothing other than the commission's limited collective imagination.
Yale's decision to try to become more of a science and technology powerhouse illustrates the growing importance that universities are placing on scientific research.