The Supreme Court's recent decision did not necessarily reject such arguments, but it said that states must be consistent in how they apply the logic.
All the decisions rejected federal protection of important constitutional rights.
She and her three colleagues make a decision on each academy reject almost as soon as the work comes in the door.
But often they are now too preoccupied to take this intermediate step, and decisions are simply made to buy, reject or cancel a manuscript.
That decision also rejected a national standard for determining offensiveness in favor of local standards to be determined by juries.
His decision rejected claims that officials are obligated to correct educational inequities, no matter how they came to be.
The board concluded that Icann's decision to reject the .
The 5-to-4 decision rejected a lawsuit against a Texas city that was brought by a woman who was stopped for driving without a seat belt.
The 5-to-4 decision rejected the argument of a conservative legal group here that the program amounted to an unconstitutional "taking" of the clients' property.
The decision affirmed the rulings of two lower courts, and rejected an appeal by the city.