The decision to appoint a special representative to the guerrillas was a subject of intense controversy here.
As a result Watanabe claimed that he had little to do with the decision to appoint the son of his girlfriend to the position.
The decision to appoint him president was apparently rather sudden.
Several corporate governance experts said the decision to appoint someone with an environmental background was an especially significant step.
Workers in Guangzhou recently went to court to fight their company's decision to appoint a high-level manager as the head of the union.
His last dispute with staff concerned his decision to appoint a woman to a permanent position.
Mr. Clinton's decision to appoint people who in the past represented special interests means several healthy things.
The decision to appoint him was confirmed in February 2008.
The governors then took the decision to appoint a principal with overall responsibility for the management of the two schools.
The decision to appoint a full time teacher will mean day classes can continue.