Nonetheless, the KPP, along with the Polish Socialist Party, was notable for its decisive stand against anti-semitism.
The panel, frequently wracked by fractious debate, took decisive stands only on the broker, pre-conception contract and conditional payment issues.
Mr. Dole's retreat could allow for a better bill in September - but only if President Clinton takes a decisive stand to shape its contents.
However, as the war situation deteriorated, the Imperial General Headquarters ordered the 16th Division to Leyte Island for a final decisive stand against Allied forces.
Notre Dame's impenetrable defense appropriately made a decisive stand keeping USC out of the end zone on four plays from the Irish 1 with 2:33 to play.
Mr. Dole's more decisive stand today did not please some Republicans.
Starfleet has the means to make a decisive stand against its enemies, and it's just sitting there, collecting dust.
The European Parliament must take a decisive stand if it is to be taken seriously as a negotiating partner.
Guadalcanal was chosen as the site for a decisive stand by an accident of geography: Surveillance flights suggested that it would become the staging ground for Japanese attacks against Australia.
While identifying himself within the anarchist tradition for most of his career, beginning in 1995, Bookchin became increasingly critical of anarchism, and in 1999 took a decisive stand against anarchist ideology.