Another dangerous method, but at times necessary for a fast and decisive strike, would be "running" down a cliff.
This exposed them to a decisive strike which killed a great many of their soldiers.
With a soft, decisive strike, he planted his dagger firmly into the would-be killer's heart.
Egan's only chance was a swift, decisive strike against Coover.
Together they made a decisive strike at the capital city, deposed Carranza, and set up a new government.
He was ready, with his formidable panther ally, to make what he hoped would be the decisive first strike.
The militia also threatened factory workers not to become involved in last month's decisive general strike against Communist rule.
We've got to level them with one decisive strike.
Even if their plan succeeded, the area would soon be wiped out, destroyed in a decisive nuclear strike.
Park then settled the game with a decisive strike low into the bottom corner.