The situation changed decisively with the end of the GDR dictatorship in 1989.
Tastes changed decisively in the 1930s, however, with both critics and writers favoring a more terse, tough-guy style.
The events decisively changed the orientation of the Bábís in their religious endeavors.
Moving the United Nations there would decisively change the future of a city that has been shackled by its past.
So in the Eighties voting patterns changed decisively.
Now it may be reaching a turning point that could decisively change the history of this country and of the Middle East.
Activities changed decisively in 1892 when Congress authorized modernization to gun carriage manufacturing.
With the end of the East German dictatorship in 1989, the things changed decisively.
In 1917 two separate events decisively changed the character of the war and set it on a course toward the rebirth of Poland.
At that Hal decisively changed the subject, turning the conversation back to the designs of imaginary weapons.