The Greek army entered and destroyed the city, decisively ending the war.
Spain promised to send him 500 reinforcements to decisively end the war, but only 300 arrived.
That day ended decisively in favor of the Jordanian army.
An influential northern general, who was also the father of a top player, decisively ended the idea.
This incident decisively ended the I-am-not-a-princess campaign, which quite frankly wasn't working anyway.
Their bout ended decisively, as Smith knocked Murakami out in the first round.
Despite initial successes, Lucullus was unable to decisively end the war.
The reply from General Marshall firmly and decisively ended the discussion.
The Greeks entered and destroyed the city of Troy, decisively ending the war.
"The fact that the war appears to be ending quickly and decisively helps us get back to a domestic agenda," he said.