Programs written using a declarative language specify the properties that have to be met by the output.
Configuration state is specified via a declarative language.
It is a purely declarative language, meaning that the programmer defines functions, in the mathematical sense, without giving instructions for their implementation.
Service startup is determined by a configuration file in a declarative language, rather than a shell script for each service.
The apology had more declarative language than past apologies.
ECL, at least in its purest form, is a declarative, data centric language.
A developer describes an application in a high-level, mostly declarative language, from which native code is generated for multiple environments.
The language is primarily a declarative language where elements in a hierarchical tree are set to particular values.
In declarative (high-level) languages, values have to be referentially transparent.
Statements have rising intonation, causing normal declarative language to appear to the listener as interrogative.