However, in the end no sale could be finalised and Hummer was declared defunct on 24 May 2010.
It was thought to be abolished in 1858, but was not officially declared defunct until 1871.
On 30 June 2011 the WEU was officially declared defunct.
The first issue appeared on 9 April 2005, and after eleven issues (plus several special issues) the magazine was officially declared defunct on 30 August 2008.
The company formally merged with Oslo Sporveier on 1 July 1992, and was declared defunct the year after.
Eventually, no buyout materialised and LDV was declared defunct on 15 October 2009.
When the school in 2008 was declared defunct, he changed employer and worked as teacher in history and social studies at Stabekk videregående school.
The blog for Athens News was declared defunct on December 26, 2010, but had evidently been defunct since some time in 2009.
The Western Australian Association became mainly inactive after the mid-1930s and was declared defunct in 1948.
We have not changed our opinion, and we do not think that the Constitution should be declared defunct before we have examined it for signs of life.