There, they claimed the gate to Hanoi was open, declared their punitive mission achieved, and withdrew.
When Israeli forces declared their mission accomplished and departed the camp last Thursday night, they left desolation behind.
So he says "me wan go" instead of "I want to go" and declares his mission to be to "make a bad ting good".
He was born on the very same night on which the Báb declared his mission.
To the crowds, Rayna declared her passionate mission: the destruction of all thinking machines.
Mister Dread now lacks power, and declares his mission terminated.
In this city, on the evening of 22 May 1844, he first declared his mission as the bearer of a new divine revelation.
World Medical Relief declares its mission to impact the well-being of the medically impoverished on a local, national, and international basis.
The army declared Carson's mission a victory, despite his having been driven from the field.
The government has declared its mission accomplished, calling the program remarkably effective "by any objective measure."