After months going through the declassification process, their report is a stunningly frank tick-tock of the development of torture policy under the Bush administration.
He added that the declassification process should "by no means imply a lack of vigilance and effort to insure the safeguarding of state secrets."
It does not produce a declassified product by itself, but may be the first step in the declassification process.
The reports were approved by the committee in August, but went through a monthlong declassification process.
He said that the declassification process "can go across the board," with civilians gaining access to all of Sosus, not just some of its parts.
At the same time, the declassification process has slowed, to just 28 million pages last year, down from 204 million pages in 1997.
But the Medievalist movement expanded along with the declassification process.
Ms. Cooper said it was to soon to predict whether the declassification process would be completed by next week, when the hearings are scheduled to begin.
American consumers have long benefited from military technology - at least military technology that has worked its way through the slow and difficult declassification process.
Any government agency that has classified documents is involved in the declassification process.