As with the decline of industry in the area, many old factories and buildings were left vacant.
The area fell into disuse with the steep decline of industry in the region during the 20th century.
The decline of heavy industry in the 20th century was felt here too.
In my opinion, all of these things contributed to the decline of American industry and competitiveness.
Following the decline of heavy industry, new service industries have now grown in the town.
The decline of industry in the region, as well as federal, state, and private efforts, haveimproved the water quality.
"They are looking at Pittsburgh to see how we have adjusted to the decline of industry in our region," he said.
But with the decline of industry, planners have tried to recapture the waterfront for public use.
With the decline of industry, population has declined since 1940.
Of course, the decline of heavy industry and the trade union movement must have had a role to play, but it certainly isn't the only reason.