He would be the last president, as things declined for the sport shortly thereafter.
Nickelodeon had tried to gain young viewers in that time through this, but ratings declined shortly thereafter.
The textile industry in New England began declining shortly after this period.
However, sales declined shortly thereafter and production of the Optigan and its discs ceased in 1976.
Burne-Jones's reputation began to decline shortly before his death.
The Mavericks would decline shortly after, and from 1988-2000, they missed the playoffs in eleven of those years, including a combined 24 wins from 1992-94.
His health declined shortly after this, and he died of heart failure in 1997.
The death rate declined from 30 to 15 per thousand shortly afterwards.
Tent theatre boomed by the 1920s, when the industry for outdoor entertainment was at its peak, and declined shortly after.
For most, fame generally declines shortly after the series finale.