The dramatic decline in wetlands globally suggests not only loss of habitat but also diminished water quality.
The sector is the county's fourth largest employer, but a predicted decline suggests there will be 10,200 fewer jobs in manufacturing by 2026.
The sharp decline suggested further weakness in American manufacturing.
The decline suggests that consumer demand, which makes up 55 percent of the economy, will detract from growth.
The fourth-quarter decline, however, suggested that profit margins might have begun to narrow.
"A little bit closer look at the market indicates that it wasn't as bad as the decline in the Dow suggests."
The decline at these institutions does not suggest, however, that overall black enrollment in American colleges and universities is diminishing.
The decline suggests that higher interest rates may be needed to attract foreigners back to the dollar.
"But the decline since the beginning of last year certainly suggest that there is potential for problems in the economy," he said.
The decline suggested that production cutbacks may not be needed to keep inventories under control.