Bodies decompose quickly and carcasses are not infectious after three to four days.
The vapor decomposes quickly in air, lasting only about a minute.
The landing craft had problems with the plywood decomposing quickly in the tropics.
The machines, even though noisy, break down large woody pieces into small chips that decompose quickly and make the best sort of garden mulch.
The clippings quickly decompose and as they do, a natural organic fertilizer in the form of nitrogen is added to the lawn.
Most bodies decomposed quickly in the murky water, and no connection was ever made to them.
When exposed to solar radiation, water quickly decomposes through a process known as photodissociation and is lost to space.
With contact to water or moisture, polysilazanes decompose more or less quickly.
These clippings will fall in between the blades, decompose quickly (they are 80 percent water) and supply nitrogen to the turf.
These waste is usually of organic nature and biodegradable meaning it decomposes quickly.