We are ready with decontamination equipment and eugenic analyzers.
These teams have specially equipped vehicles with decontamination equipment on board.
Specialist detection and decontamination equipment that can be mounted on commercial-type vehicles were later successfully developed and adopted.
It would require decontamination equipment and access to cargo planes or other transport to move people and goods.
I don't think we want anyone doing anything with these containers without protective suits and decontamination equipment.
Despite repeated requests for a response, Pentagon spokesmen had no comment on the complaints by the reservists that they were using outdated and unreliable decontamination equipment.
"We've got decontamination equipment parked outside ready."
It might take several lifetimes for its level to become low enough to approach if there was no decontamination equipment available.
Iraqi troops, he said, had been provided with gas masks and decontamination equipment.
About three dozen military chemical warfare specialists went to the station with their gas-resistant uniforms and decontamination equipment.