Bellevue soon expects to complete a new $500,000 decontamination unit, where large numbers of victims can be washed down by huge amounts of water.
Before construction of the new facility the hospital's small decontamination unit could handle about 20 patients an hour.
Get an Osprey to haul a mobile radiological decontamination unit.
He's in quarantine over in one of the chemical weapons' decontamination units.
The building is believed to have been built as a decontamination unit in 1938.
Some Iraqi decontamination units, they said, have such steam generators.
The 14,227-square-foot building, which cost $10.7 million, will be used to house ambulances, decontamination units and bunks for emergency service workers.
The colonel had come out to greet them as they walked to the tent that had been set up as a decontamination unit.
Working with civilian agencies, the military would set up whatever was needed, whether hospitals or decontamination units.
My God, I'll need hours in a decontamination unit after this, plus an armed escort.